Updating the Fourth Amendment Analysis of U.S. Person Communications Incidentally Collected Under FISA Section 702
Peter G. Machtiger[*] [Full text of this Article in PDF is available at this link] Introduction Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the United States government rallied around its national security apparatus to improve its ability to detect and...
Religious Freedom as a National Security Imperative: A New Paradigm
This Article proffers a hitherto understated mechanism for the establishment, maintenance and cogent analysis of national security: the establishment and maintenance of religious pluralism. To date, official positions and scholarship sparingly comment on this assertion. To address these gaps and to offer a fresh perspective on this subject, this Article undertakes a legal analysis to buttress the notion that U.S. national security interests can be best served by working towards the establishment of religious pluralism around the globe. Due to its strategic relevance for U.S. national security, the case of Pakistan – and the constitutional and legal apparatus that undergirds its view of religious minorities – serves as a blueprint for understanding this new national security paradigm (“NNSP”).
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Core Synergies in Israel’s Strategic Planning: When the Adversarial Whole Is Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts
To best serve Israel, the country’s strategic studies community should favor more conceptual or “molecular” assessments of expected security perils.
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