Why the US Should Ratify UNCLOS: A View from the South and East China Seas
Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
Many Americans are skeptical or distrustful of U.S. Government intelligence collection methods. Increasing transparency by presenting additional data in an accessible way could help.
Lieutenant Joseph Hatfield discusses the merits of a “reverse draft” in bridging the growing disconnect between civilian society and the military. Photo courtesy of Wikimedia
Harvard Law Student Menno Goedman discusses critiques of the FISC appointment process in light of the increased public scrutiny of American intelligence operations. Photo courtesy of Wikimedia
Gerard J. Kennedy, Innokenty Pyetranker, and Manik Suri shed light on two recent Second Circuit opinions that will likely have an enduring impact on civil terrorism-related lawsuits. Photo courtesy of Twin Cities Business.
Michael Robertson: A new drone base in West Africa raises questions about the future of U.S. national security policy in this volatile region. Photo courtesy of Lonely Planet.