America’s Greatest Threat? The Debt Crisis
Roderick Miller: America’s national security has been imperiled by its mountain of public debt. Photo courtesy of TIME.
Roderick Miller: America’s national security has been imperiled by its mountain of public debt. Photo courtesy of TIME.
Kait Michaud: The Supreme Court docket for 2012-2013 reveals the continued role that Fourth Amendment questions will play in future constitutional jurisprudence. Until Congress takes action, it is likely that the Court will continue to deny without comment Fourth Amendment cases concerning new technological devices. Photo courtesy of PBS.
Sara Slavin: The prosecution of CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou blurs the line between protecting our national security interests and chilling legitimate whistleblowing.
Ronak D. Desai: The impact of the sanctions–and whether they will ultimately force Tehran to abandon its nuclear weapons program–remains to be seen.
Should the U.S. & NATO accelerate the withdrawal from Afghanistan or “stay the course?”
By Manik V. Suri