Speech—The United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims: The Newest Federal Court Experiment, Past, Present, and Future
[*] Chief Judge Robert N. Davis[†] I’m going to ask you to join me in a walk through the past, present, and a step into the future of the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, and when we get to the future I’m going to challenge you to make a system that...
Intelligence Collection of the People, by the People and for the People: How Crowdsourcing the Detection of WMDs Could Change the Way We Protect Ourselves
by Jonathan Fischbach

Not Your Grandfather’s Zone of Twilight: Civil Military Relationships in Debatably Legal Precision Strikes
by Major Dan Maurer—Limited strikes of debatable legality, such as the Trump Administration’s strike against Syrian chemical weapons facilities last spring, are likely to continue happening. Major Dan Maurer of the U.S. Army outlines 13 generic questions to guide senior military officers as they discuss planning these missions with civilian decision-makers.

5G, Standard-Setting, and National Security
by Eli Greenbaum—The Trump Administration recently blocked Broadcom’s proposed acquisition of Qualcomm, citing concerns about Chinese involvement in the process of establishing a technical standard for 5G networks. Eli Greenbaum of Yigal Arnon & Co. argues that these concerns defy longstanding U.S. positions and are unfounded.

Overseeing or Interfering? A Functional Alternative to Congressional Oversight in Intelligence and Operations
by Major Sean B. Zehtab—How should we design oversight of cyber-operations and intelligence gathering as such operations will increasingly take place at the tactical level? Major Sean B. Zehtab of the U.S. Army argues that we should look to the Command Operations Review Board of the U.S. Special Operations Command for guidance.