Join Our Journal

All students at Harvard Law School, including LLMs and transfer students, are welcome to join our journal. We look forward to working with you. In addition, we host social events throughout the year to better get to know each other as a community.

If you have any questions, or would be interested in joining, please contact us at [email protected].


Welcome 1Ls

1Ls join our journal as Staff Editors in their first semester. Staff Editors are responsible for line editing and checking the citations of several pages of a full-length print journal article for publication. We host a sub-cite event each semester where the bulk of the work is done, but are flexible in working with Staff Editors in getting their portion of the work done if they are unable to attend.

After your first semester as a Staff Editor, you are eligible to apply for more senior positions in the Journal.


Transfer Students

Transfer students from other law schools are eligible to join our journal in more senior roles. Email [email protected] to learn more about opportunities and to apply for a position.